You can apply to receive funds to cover your Polkadot meetup up to 1000 USD in DOT. Anyone active in the Polkadot community can apply AFTER the meetup happens. Please fill up the form only in case your event has already happened. If you are curious about whether your proposal has a chance to pass in the future, feel free to ask and connect with us in our Telegram Meetups group.
Link to a public Telegram chat with curators:
A list of curators and contacts can be found below:
There are not that many things we expect from you. If you fulfill all the conditions, there is no reason from our side to reject your proposal. If you are hesitant, connect with us.
- On-chain identity
- Active verifiable history of activity in the Polkadot ecosystem (activity on social media, connected with various people in the ecosystem, working for specific projects, etc.)
- Submitting proper and complete documentation
- Submit your event max 30 days after it happened
Submission documents
Create a proposal where you include everything necessary we need to know about the event (audience, costs, idea, who attended, etc.). The proposal template has been added to the Links section. Please make sure all shared documents have open access.
Add to your proposal:
- Invoices
- Make sure that invoices include enough details like the address and contacts of the provider; they need to be visible
- Always choose vendors who can give you proper documentation!
- We recommend paying invoices by card (we might ask for transaction confirmation)
- Photo/video documentation from the event
- Pictures of attendees and talk
- Pictures where the venue is properly visible!
- Proof of talks if there were any (ideally video - can be on the phone)
- Group picture
- If you are adding food to the proposal - You must add pictures of food/drinks,
- If you are adding merch to the proposal - You must add pictures of merch
- If you are adding banners to the proposal - You must add pictures of banners (banners need to have Polkadot as the main part)
- Proper links
- Twitter posts or other posts on social media mentioning the event (from organizers or attendees) Feel free to tag @DOTmeetups! We will retweet your post.
- Event page link with a visible list of interested people
- Fill out the form